Hiding Place Hollow
Our company has always had a mission to help others whenever possible. In 2022, we donated windows for a new home built by Hiding Place Hollow headquartered in Rogers, AR. When missionaries return from service, they frequently need a place to call home once again. Hiding Place Hollow was formed to provide homes for these returning workers.
The Mission
Mike and Susan Phillips provide a great and wonderful basic need to returning missionaries – temporary housing in a serene environment. Many missionaries arrive home exhausted, stressed and, certainly, facing multiple obstacles. The first basic need of locating housing can be a daunting task. Often missionaries find that choices are extremely limited in space for their families.
According to Susan, missionaries are overwhelmed when they first see their new homes. These beautifully thought-out homes offer missionaries a temporary resting place to recoup and give them time to locate a permanent residence. Susan’s words sum it all up perfectly: “Before the missionaries arrive, a picture of the family is placed in the home. The pantry is filled with supplies and gift baskets are provided with gift cards and other useful items. The missionaries are asked in advance to provide a list of things they want personally. A fresh bouquet of flowers is placed in each home as well.”
Serene Resting Place
Conservation is key to the Hiding Place Hollow project. Beautiful land surrounds the area development. In fact, the Phillips have received an award at the 2023 Arkansas Game and Fish Commission banquet in recognition of their efforts in the conservation of two streams that run through the property. Indeed, these homes provide much needed housing space for missionaries as well as a restful environment in which to recover from their journeys in life.
Please visit the Hiding Place Hollow website, hidingplacehollow.org, to learn more about how their wonderful efforts help returning missionaries.