The Little House in the Mountains

We recently took a call from a customer in need of new windows for his home. When we arrived to give the gentleman an estimate, we found he was not able to afford much in the way of improving the quality of his windows.

One window in particular was in very sad shape, allowing the summer heat and winter wind to fully penetrate around the glass. All windows were in need of upgrading; however, this gentleman was not in a position to pay for replacement windows.

Getting to Know Him

Instead of rushing off to our next appointment, we took the time to get to know this man better. What we learned brought us closer to him and his family. He mentioned he had to pick up his grandchildren from school that afternoon and take them to sports and lessons. We learned that he is 86 years young, a widower and the sole support for these three youngsters who range in age from 8 to 12. On top of that, his only income is Social Security, and his health is not the best.​

When his wife was alive, she was the primary caretaker for the grandchildren. Cooking and seeing that the children had everything they needed for school was her main focus. Now the balance of work has shifted to this kind man. We are so impressed how he cares so deeply for these kids.​

Here to Help

As part of our giving mission, we donated a new energy-efficient window to replace the worst window in their home. The story doesn’t end there. A few weeks later when our installer arrived to put in the new window, he made the decision on the spot to take no money for his work that day. The installer had the same heartfelt feelings for this family that we experienced the first day we met this gracious man.​

Not Forgotten

To this day we continue to visit this wonderful family, bring them gifts and watch out for them. It makes us feel good inside to get to know someone who cares so deeply for others as this gentleman does for his grandchildren. We are blessed to know this family who live in the little house in the mountains.